QualChem Products

QualChem Products is a family owned and managed business which operates out of a modern, purpose built 1000m2 factory. We maintain a clear focus on the development and production of good quality, high performance cleaning chemicals and personal care products at attractive prices. Our active technological relationships are with manufacturers in the USA, Canada, Australia and England.

QualChem Products has a programme of continuous improvement which includes new product testing and evaluation, following latest overseas trends and implementing improvements to existing products. New products are constantly being developed to suit a particular problem or to satisfy a client’s request.

QualChem Products are always seeking ways to be innovative in offering our clients unique products. Lowering the cost of chemicals to the end user and working closely with our clients is an integral part of our business.

QualChem Products strives to develop cleaning chemicals with environmental integrity. QualChem Products has taken initiatives to reduce the impact that our products may cause to the environment.

Licence No: 2909061 and 5819163
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